I recently stopped smoking after smoking just about EVERY day for about 3 years now. feels hard man! im not getting any withdrawal or anything like that, but Im so used to doing everything high since i smoked throughout the day that i find it hard to enjoy anything. I start playing a game and im just like, man this was a lot funner high. etc. And now i'm substituting the weed with beer to get a buzz. im mostly doing it so i can pass a drug test. but believe me, man as soon as i get that job ill be the first to smoke myself retarded.
This could be an RSD infield video they show at next year's Hot Seat.
1.) Get use of the claw
2.) Perfect breaking rapport tonality when using the "Who're you?" opener
3.) Proves you can use kino in a day game situation
4/5 stars
(If you posted this on RSD, I betcha the fan-bois would hyper-analyze how the guy was "living in his own reality" and "frame controlled" the student)